World Autism Org

World Autism Organisation welcomes you!

With your help, can inform about Autism and related conditions to move
Beyond Awareness
Towards Acceptance, Understanding & Inclusion

Re-think Autism – Change the Narrative!


Call for Bids to host the World Autism Organisation Congress 2026

You are hereby invited to send an email to with

The Congress will be a joint venture between WAO,
the local Autism association, and the Congress management company,
with surpluses shared by agreement.

Proposal submission deadline is at 23h59 PST, on 31 October 2024
EXTENDED TO 30 November 2024!

The Executive Committee of the WAO will adjudicate the submitted bids
and the final decision will be announced by 30th January 2025,
with a contract being agreed upon and signed by all relevant parties before 30 th April 2025.


25th – 27th October 2024 – Ayia Napa – Cyprus

Autism:  A Complex Riddle

Balkan International Autism Conference

Hosted by: Autism Support Famagusta

Endorsed by: World Autism Organisation

Registration and Information:


WAO ONLINE SUPPORT FOR PARENTS: Our WAO-Learning Channel is open!

Intro to Parenting your Autistic Child

The Autism-Communication Connection

The Autism-Sensory Connection

Autism & Visual Supports at Home


FREE 2-day HYBRID conference:

27th of April – 28th of April 2024 – Ulaanbaatar – Mongolia

Hosted by: Аутизмд хийсэн аялал НҮТББ / Travel to Autism, with the assistance of United Nations – Mongolia

Apr 27, 2024 13:00 (5h00 UTC – Universal Standard Time)

Apr 28, 2024 09:00 (9h00 UTC – Universal Standard Time)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 7340 7335

Passcode: 881188



2 April – World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD): Did you get a chance to watch the UN live stream on their YouTube Channel?

The theme for 2024: Moving from Surviving to Thriving

The UNITED NATIONS observance of World Autism Awareness Day provided a truly global overview of the state of the AWARENESS, ACCEPTANCE and APPRECIATION of autistic people and their contributions to society, from the perspective of autistic people themselves.

The three-part event is available to stream on demand on the United Nations YouTube channel (@united nations). The direct links to the discussions follow.

(Part 1) Autism Awareness Day – Africa & Asia: Moving from Surviving to Thriving

Features an all-autistic lineup of speakers from Africa and Asia.

(Part 2) Autism Awareness Day – Oceania & Europe: Moving from Surviving to Thriving

Features an all-autistic lineup of speakers from Oceania and Europe.

(Part 3) Autism Awareness Day – The Americas: Moving from Surviving to Thriving

Features an all-autistic lineup of speakers from North America, the Caribbean and Latin America.


PLEASE GET INVOLVED Renew your membership or Become a Member

Individual membership is only 15 €! Enrol a friend by gifting them membership – it will help us make a difference!

You can also send an email to to be put on the interest list and

LIKE and FOLLOW us on our WAO FaceBook page or the WAO FB Resource Group
for the latest relevant shares and information

Gifts are welcome all year round — Donate memberships to those who cannot afford them.


Food Adverse Reaction and Intestinal Microbiota

FREE Webinar:

FREE WEBINAR:  1 p.m. Eastern time (US), Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Join us in this presentation by Prof. Carmelo Rizzo, MD about  Food Adverse Reaction and Intestinal Microbiota:

Sometimes our body responds to the introduction of a food with a protective or adverse reaction, anaphylactic reaction, and today, in industrialized countries and with a higher standard of living, we are witnessing a continuous increase in cases relating to hypersensitivity reactions to foods. In addition to the natural slowness with which natural selection operates, adaptation to the intake of certain foods also depends on the frequency with which they are consumed. The body’s reactions can be the most varied. They can give rise to antibody responses, activate phagocytic cells, which attack, phagocytose and remove the inactivated antigen from circulation, release cytotoxic substances. Our daily diet significantly influences the formation and functions of our intestinal microbiota. Autism syndrome and ADHD appear to be strongly and directly influenced by the presence of adverse reactions to foods and chemical substances such as additives, preservatives and colorants used in the food industry.

This is a joint presentation by ARI and The World Autism Organisation.


Free certificates of participation are available upon successful completion of a brief knowledge quiz after the webinar.  The quiz will be added to the Autism Research Institute page once the event has concluded.

About the speaker:

PROF. CARMELO RIZZO, MD practices medicine in his Rome clinic. He graduated in 1984 at the Faculty of Medicine in Rome. He grew his interest in the field of nutrition. He started, first in Italy, from United States, where he lived and studied in the early years of his professional training, the Cytotest method, subsequently revised, modified and patented in Italy. Always looking for new scientific methods, he has carried out numerous studies in the field of food allergies comparing different diagnostic methods and applying clinical principles inspired by English and US literature. He created a group of “clinical ecologists” by providing training and research opportunities in the field of nutrition and allergy.

Since 1986 he collaborates with Prof. Leonard McEwen director of McEwen Laboratories LTD of Pangbourne (Berkshire) for the development and diffusion of the EPD polyvalent desensitizing therapy in Italy, for this reason since 2013 he has also been involved in the production and marketing. He is also a clinical consultant in many foreign countries such as Russia, Albania, Romania, Azerbaijan, Poland where he has spread his clinical and therapeutic methods and diagnostic tests to support his studies. Founder of numerous scientific organizations aimed to train professionals, participates in various associations for Autistic Disorders and ADHD. He participated as a lecturer and taught in various Italian universities: University of Urbino, Pavia University, Biomedical Campus of Rome, Telematic University of Rome “Unicusano”, Consorzio Universitario HUMANITAS–LUMSA.

Honorary professor at State University of Medicine in Tirana.

Lecturer at Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Psychoneurology in Moscow.

Researcher and Lecturer for Balkans capital for ASD and ADHD.

Associate Professor at Faculty in Mental Health Education Ulster University, College of Medicine and Dentistry – UK



Of course – all the sessions will be of use to teachers and professionals too!

Let’s Talk Visual Supports:

Learn about Communication Strategies for Home!

FREE Zoom meeting:
2 October 2023, 15h00 UTC; 1 pm EST (U.S.)

Stacy Badon – Everything Autism – Autism4Home

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 9237 2850

Passcode: 779536

Please send your name, surname and email address to:,
so that we can add them to the database for information and the next events,
and that you can be informed when the recordings are ready to be viewed on our website.




Advocacy welcome, but please make sure to include autistic people!




Listen Movie:

The Autistic Strategies Network is a collaborative initiative by autistic people to optimise autism individually and in society.

“Optimising autism” means making our autism work as well as possible.
We started in South Africa and focus on Africa. We collaborate internationally.
We make mistakes and learn along the way. We invite you to join our journey.

Along with activists from around the continent, we contribute to the Autism in Africa | CRPD project on Twitter and FacebookJoin our mailing list for news of CRPD training events.



The General Assembly will be held online at (to be advised) UTC/ITC/GMT
on Saturday, 4 November 2023.

Subscribed and paid up members may vote. Visitors are welcome but cannot vote.
Registration is essential: send and email to with ‘Request for link for GA attendance’ in the subject line. The link, as well as other relevant information will be sent some days before the event.

It was decided at the General Assembly in 2020 that INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP be reduced from €30 to €15,
to make membership more accessible for those in lesser resourced countries or circumstances.

Click here to: Become a Member

to renew your membership or sign up. (Membership renewal forms get sent out in January).

You also have the opportunity to GIFT membership:
Members may gift or sponsor individual membership by filling in their chosen beneficiary’s details or by sending it as an open sponsorship to be allocated by the Membership committee.

If you would like to apply for sponsored membership, you may do so by sending an email to with SPONSORED MEMBER in the subject line and the following details:

Your name;  whether you are autistic, a family member of someone who is autistic, a teacher, assistant, care worker or how you are involved with Autism;  your postal and email address, country where you live and a short motivation as to why you need to be sponsored.  Sponsorships may be granted depending on donor sponsorships being available.  The membership sponsor committee will take the final decision and no discussions will be entered into.  We would also like to know in what way you hope to make a difference within your community with your sponsored membership from the World Autism Organisation.

The WORLD AUTISM ORGANISATION does not have salaried employees, we are all volunteers, thus any and all funds go towards improving the lives and outcomes of those with Autism and their families.
We are grateful for any and all DONATIONS to support our work:

To DONATE any amount please go to the following link:

Please send proof of payment, including Amount and Full Name of Donor or Organisation Name, email address and telephone number to

Thank you for your support!
We truly appreciate all contributions tremendously!

We hope that you are keeping healthy and safe by following the rules of sanitising, masking and keeping a safe distance.  It is a difficult time for everyone around the world.  We hope to be able to share some good practices and visual explanations so that it is easier to manage our daily lives within the home and outside in the community and in society.

For more information, questions and notification of broken links,  please send an email to


Definition of Autism

According to our current constitution, Autism is understood in accordance with the definitions formulated in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder IV) and the ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases). DSM-V is being used, with the difference that more positive ways of descriptions, reporting or advice are promoted. We are working on updating the constitution to reflect current Good Autism Practice.

Furthermore we are in the process of updating the definition in line with the UNCRPD, We are enlisting the help of Autistics to formulate an Autism-friendly definition which takes into consideration the lived experience of Autism, as well as acknowledging the need for a formal or fairly uniform definition for assessment and diagnostic purposes. We welcome your input to

The objectives of World Autism Organisation are :

  1. to promote among all people and nations the highest possible quality of life for people with autism and their families. To this end World Autism Organisation will act as:

    • an advocate of measures to promote such quality of life;

    • a leader in developing, proposing and recommending such measures;

    • a communicator of plans for and progress of autistic projects and practices;

    • a co-ordinator of efforts of national member associations, government agencies, professional groups and international organisations to advance understanding and services for persons with autism;

    • where no such national organisation exists, provide information directly to autistic people their parents and families and if they so request provide support in the establishment of such an organisation.

  1. to strengthen the self-awareness of persons with autism, to develop their personality, self-respect and sense of responsibility ;

  2. to advance the rights of people with autism and their families without regard to nationality, race, gender or creed, by securing on their behalf from all possible sources, the provision of support, residential, educational, training, employment and welfare health services ;

  3. to create a common bond of understanding among persons with autism, their parents and families throughout the world ;

  4. to promote the interests of persons with autism and their families by bringing about co-operation among organisations representing national endeavour in their behalf ;

  5. to promote the highest possible level of knowledge and competency among professionals of autism, encompassing the most current scientific information and validated techniques.

The functions of the World Autism Organisation are:

To attain the above objectives, the World Autism Organisation, in collaboration with Regional and National Organisations, will work consistently and tirelessly :

  1. to improve and modernise throughout the world public policies and practices governing the education, health, welfare, social security, rehabilitation, employment, sports and recreation for people with autism ;

  2. to encourage the exchange of information and experience between all organisations whose activities relate to the goals of World Autism Organisation ;

  3. to disseminate accurate information and to promote enlightened attitudes on the part of the people of the world towards people with autism ;

    to encourage and co-ordinate the conduct of research and studies in all fields of autism ;

  4. to promote and co-ordinate technical and material assistance in furtherance of the aims of World Autism Organisation in areas where such help is required ;

  5. to solicit the support of national governments, national and international organisations everywhere to support programmes and policies of World Autism Organisation

    and of organisations of and for people with autism and their families, and to assist and to advise those bodies in their implementation ;

  6. to take any other measures necessary or conducive to the achievement of the objectives of World Autism Organisation.